Happy mother’s day!
This poem is dedicated to my mother, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s a couple of years ago. Despite her shrinking faculties, she amazes me by staying postive and even occasionally joking about her situation.
It’s ok if you forget It’s ok if you forget where you put it. It’s got to be somewhere in the house and will turn up eventually. It’s ok if you forget to do the dishes. They’ll only be sitting in the sink for a short time. It’s ok if you forget the appointment. I’ll mark it on the calendar for you, and will call to remind you. It’s ok if you forget the name of that person. Once I introduce myself, we’ll figure out who they are. It’s ok if you forget how to do it. I can write the instructions down for you, It’s ok if you forget to do it. I can come over to help when you need a hand. It’s ok if you forget that you already told me that story. I don’t mind listening to it again. It’s ok if you forget what we did together. As long as you had a good time in the moment. It’s ok if you forget what to do. I’ll remind you how to do it, will do it with you, or do it for you if need be. It’s ok if you forget who I am. As long as you feel safe when I am with you. It’s ok if you forget. I will remember.

Poem by Jocelyne Smallian-Khan. Graphic by Ken Armstrong.